The Voice: Commentary

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Wrongfully Accused Speak Out

Why I Punched Jordan Vetro
by: Simon Boucher

Well, after reading as article describing something of EBC nightlife that had something to do with physical aggression, I heard that it might be a good idea to write some sort of response, and so I thought I’d give it a shot.
Jordan is right;
in a fit of anger and rage I hit him a few weeks ago...
I'd just walked into the common lounge where he and a few girls were talking when I overheard him getting a little loud and boisterous (I think you might know what I mean). He was saying that a girl could never dance or juggle as well as he could, in fact (and his face got serious here) that a girl could 'never do anything as well as he could.' . . .
He then went on to insult every minority between here and southern California, while the girls and I stood with mouths open and, I admit, a trickle of a tear running down our cheeks.
It was then that I jumped him with an anger purer than driven snow, reigning down blows for justice, happiness and democracy. 'That kind of stuff may float for the crowds on vaudeville but not around here,' I thought as I turned to walk out of the room- and the smiles on the girls’ faces and the warmth in the air reminded me that once again justice had found and defeated the oppressor that so often plagues first-years.

(I guess it’s here that I should write more about that problem but I’m not sure I should tell you if you’re not sure what it might be).

But nevertheless, girls of EBC, beware of the immaturity that threatens to control the minds and even the creative energy of boys everywhere- and no matter if he's artistic and witty- beware of boys with round glasses and poise,
even is he writes articles for the paper, and makes libel noise.
Don’t be afraid to haul off and deck some boys.
Maybe all boys. The truth is, there’s something in the air that might warrant it, and hey you can maybe take a shot at a lanky fourth year.